Current Projects

One Month Project

What is One Month?

UAH ACM hosts a one month project in the Fall semester where ACM members can contribute to the UAH ACM website. Members will be given only one month in the beginning of the semester to flesh out personal membership pages.

What are the rules for One Month?

  • Webpages cannot go over a reasonable amount of storage. (including site assets, such as pictures or videos)
  • No Bitcoin miners or other software that will adversely affect the viewer of the webpage
  • Content may not break the ACM Code of Ethics or the ACM Harassment policy in any way.
  • Sites must include a clear link back to the UAH ACM Home page
  • UAH ACM Leadership reserves the right to request changes be made for breaking any of these rules or any other situations that may not be addressed by these rules. We also reserve the right to change these rules at any time.
  • Workshops will be held with topics including: Introduction to HTML + CSS, Introduction to Github, and Introduction to JavaScript.

Are there any resources for One Month?

Yes! There are tons of resources available for you to build your own website, linked below are a few of these resources.

Can I see past One Month projects and who do I contact for help?

Yes! We host past One Month Projects for others to see. You can look at them here.

You can send question to leadership and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



What is a Hackathon?

UAH ACM hosts a 2 day hackathon in the Spring semester where anyone can join and compete in teams up to 4 people, against other teams. We will post a list of challengens you can attempt or you can make your own challenge.

What are the rules for Hackathon?

  • Teams must be 2-4 members. You can still participate with teams of other sizes, but you will not be eligible for prizes.
  • You must use an opensource license for your project. You can find some good licenses here.
  • All teams must present their work in some way at the end of the hackathon. This can either be in the form of a pre-recorded video presentation or a live presentation over Discord. Teams should have members available for questions from the judges after they present.

Are there any resources for Hackathon?

Yes! There are tons of resources available for you.

Who do I contact for help?

You can send question to leadership and we will get back to you as soon as possible.